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Windows7 to F18 upgrade "Secure boot not enabled"

0 votes

Im trying to replace Windows 7 OS with F18 but running into the problem of "secure boot not enabled".

Background information:
Laptop: Acer Aspire 5560
Current OS: Windows 7
Phoneix SecureCore Tiano Setup

When starting the laptop F2 opens the Phoneix setup menu, in the "Security" sub-menu there is not option to enable "secure boot".

Im trying to perform the installation via DVD Fedora-18-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso . Havent attempted the USB -live image installation option discussed in F18 documentation as I made the assumption that if I cant boot from the DVD then also wont be able to boot from USB. Also integrity of the DVD .iso if fine as I used it to upgrade F16 to F18 on another computer.

Do you have any suggestions as to what to do? Please note Im a newbie.

posted May 18, 2013 by anonymous

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2 Answers

0 votes

1) This is not an error, just a notice coming from the shim that enables Fedora on Secure Boot machines. Fedora should install fine regardless of whether or not Secure Boot is enabled.
2) If your laptop came with Windows 7 preinstalled, then it likely predates secure boot. Again, Secure Boot is not required to install Fedora, so this doesn't matter.
3) Your assumption might be incorrect. ;-) There's a problem with using actual spinning discs with UEFI systems and Fedora 18. While the bug speaks only of Mac hardware, I've experienced it on Windows UEFI systems as well. Try creating a Live USB with the latest version of Fedora's liveusb-creator (other
software like unetbootin might not do UEFI right) and see if that works.

answer May 18, 2013 by anonymous
0 votes

Thanks for the suggestion T.C.

Still couldnt get it to work. This is what Ive done:
1. Install liveusb-creator
2. formatted the usb with _$ liveusb-creator --reset-mbr_ as it was causing to enter into emergency mode when trying to install F17. F17 installation did not work I think I got a message like "missing operating system".
3. Created USB-live image with Fedora-18-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso . It booted however got the message "need to load kernel first", eventually got the fedora logo but that was followed by black screen and did not proceed any further.
4. Now planning to create USB live image with Fedora-18-i386-DVD.iso and see what happens.

answer May 18, 2013 by anonymous
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