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Can you identify appropriate APN from SIM IMSI code?

+1 vote

I am looking for ways for a GSM/3G device to be able to automatically select the appropriate GPRS/Data settings for customer SIM cards, particularly where a service provider offers different parameters for different account types?

Is this possible, or will I need to code the device to try multiple parameter sets until successful?

posted Jun 13, 2014 by anonymous

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As far as understood that if we can identify the APN from the SIM number, then answer is no.
However there is a provision of configuration of default APN on HSS/HLR I am not sure if you are looking for that.
Sorry, but anyone who has an android will know that the answer is yes, since they do it. There is a huge file in the android code called etc/apns-full-conf.xml - but I don't know where to find the code to interpret it.

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