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Is MultiHoming on IPV6 supported in SCTP?

+3 votes

When I read wiki , its written like this

As of 6 February 2010, multihoming in the next-generation Internet Protocol (IPv6) 
was not yet standardized

Is it supported now ?

posted Dec 20, 2013 by Nithin Kp

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2 Answers

+3 votes

Yes it is supported, and part of LKSCTP also. I don't know when it got introduced but from last 2 years it is supported. Even cross multihoming is also supported i.e. IPv4-IPv6.

answer Dec 20, 2013 by Anderson
+1 vote

All SCTP kernel implementations I know supports IPv4 and IPv6, multihoming and also endpoint having a mixture of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

answer Dec 20, 2013 by anonymous
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