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How can I change the expired sessions in Tomcat Manager from 30 minutes to 120 minutes?

+1 vote

I think we can do it through the web.xml file located in tomcatconfweb.xml and then restart Tomcat.

Is there a difference if I change it in the tomcatconf location versus tomcatwebapps[web app name] web-infweb.xml location?

If I change the web.xml file in the tomcatconfweb.xml location will it override the web app location?

posted Dec 4, 2013 by Dewang Chaudhary

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Is there a difference if I change it in the tomcatconf location versus tomcatwebapps[web app name] web-infweb.xml location?

First one will apply to all apps.

If I change the web.xml file in the tomcatconfweb.xml location will it override the web app location?

answer Dec 5, 2013 by Abhay Kulkarni
Thanks for the response. Is there a way to do this through the Tomcat manager without modifying tomcat web.xml config file?
No. That could be added, but it would not persist across re-deployments or server restarts without some effort.
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