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Upgrading from tomcat 6.0.35 to 6.0.36 causes a simple jsp page to require about 20 minutes to load

0 votes

Upgrading from tomcat 6.0.35 to 6.0.36 causes a simple jsp page to require about 20 minutes to load.

We have two clients that are running in an IBM mainframe USS (Unix System Services) environment and when they upgraded from tomcat 6.0.35 to 6.0.36, the simple jsp page in our webapp takes up to 20 minutes to load into the web browser. We have other clients that are successfully running 6.0.36 in
the USS environment. So it is a somewhat isolated issue.

I looked over the 6.0.36 change log at,
but nothing jumped out at me as to which change may have caused the issue.

Since I am not a tomcat expert, I am asking for help on how to diagnose this issue.

Are there certain logging options that could be enabled?

posted Jul 9, 2013 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Take 3 thread dumps ~10s apart and compare them to find out what the thread serving the JSP is doing.

answer Jul 9, 2013 by anonymous
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