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What is the minimum number of 2-input NOR gates that are required for implementing a 2-input XNOR function?

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What is the minimum number of 2-input NOR gates that are required for implementing a 2-input XNOR function?
posted Aug 22, 2018 by anonymous

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Weight of vowels that appear in the string should be ignored and All non-alphabetic characters in the string should be ignored.

Weight of each letter is its position in the English alphabet system, i.e. weight of a=1, weight of b=2, weight of c=3, weight of d=4, and so on….weight of y=25, weight of z=26
Weight of Upper-Case and Lower-Case letters should be taken as the same, i.e. weight of A=a=1, weight of B=b=2, weight of C=c=3, and so on…weight of Z=z=26.

Let us assume the word is “Hello World!!”
Weight of “Hello World!!” = 8+0+12+12+0+0+23+0+18+12+4+0+0 = 89
Note that weight of vowels is ignored. Also note that the weight of non-alphabetic characters such as space character and ! is taken as zero.
