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gnome-session-flashback on Ubuntu Server

0 votes

I recently installed an Ubuntu Server with 16.04.2. After installing I decided I wanted to put a desktop environment on it for access to a gui. Since I still love Gnome2, I installed gnome-session-flashback on it using apt-get install gnome-session-flashback. It pulled all of the required additional packages and installed. Upon completion I restarted the server. When it came back up, there was only CLI. Trying to toggle CTRLALTF2 or CTRLALTF7 didn't do anything. I then tried running startx and xinit. It appears like it tried to go to a gui but ended up with a blank screen. It seemed like maybe it was just missing a display manager so I installed lightdm. Now I get a login screen, but I can't get a session to start.

What am I missing? Why did installing gnome-session-flashback not automatically install a display manager? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

posted Jun 19, 2017 by anonymous

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2 Answers

0 votes

I install Server with the Mate desktop. these are the few steps I use:

This allows you to start MATE manually from the console by typing 'statrx'. Do not use sudo!

Create an .xinitrc file:

nano ~/.xinitrc


exec mate-session (you would use whatever command for gnome)

Save the file


sudo apt-get install xinit

Log into the console and type:

answer Jun 19, 2017 by Jagan Mishra
0 votes

because it is just a -session metapackage, it ships exactly what it says, a session, not a full desktop env ....

you can either install a full desktop task or simply install lightdm alongside with your session package.

answer Jun 20, 2017 by Sanketi Garg
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