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Split CSV in Informatica

+1 vote

I have a CSV which has 1000 records. I need to split the CSV dynamically based on the rownumber to multiple CSV's.

For example:

CSV 1:

CSV 2:

CSV 3:

Has to generate csv's dynamically till Main-CSV finishes its records.

How can we do this in informatica?

posted Dec 2, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

0 votes

Check the following links -

The only difference here and in your case is that it is doing based on state and in your case it is based on (ROWNo Mod 50). I hope you got the logic, best of luck.

answer Dec 3, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
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Assetid   attribute   value
    1546    Ins_date   05062011
    1546    status     active
    1546    X          10.4567
    1546    Y          27.56
    1546    size       17
    675     X          4.778
    675     Y          53.676
    675     depth      5
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1546     05062011  active  10.4567  27.56   17    null   null
675      null      null    4.778    53.676  null  5      06092010

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The workflowlog >>

Severity    Timestamp   Node    Thread  Message Code    Message
INFO    9/8/2016 5:28:20 PM Node_BIDEV  140284941813504 LM_36621    Command task instance [Convert_csv]: started command [convert], with pid [14121] on node [Node_BIDEV].
ERROR   9/8/2016 5:28:21 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36623    Command task instance [Convert_csv]: execution of command [convert] did not complete successfully with exit code [32512]
WARNING 9/8/2016 5:28:21 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36626    Command task instance [Convert_csv]: previous command [convert] failed and "run if previous command succeeded" option is set, the remaining commands will not be run.
ERROR   9/8/2016 5:28:21 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36320    Command task instance [Convert_csv]: Execution failed.
WARNING 9/8/2016 5:28:21 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36373    Workflow [wf_CUSTOMER_SURVEY_CORE_DailyFiles] is suspended.
INFO    9/8/2016 5:28:22 PM Node_BIDEV  140285390595840 LM_36375    Workflow [wf_CUSTOMER_SURVEY_CORE_DailyFiles]: Sent suspension email to email user 
WARNING 9/8/2016 5:28:27 PM Node_BIDEV  140284973283072 LM_36371    Workflow [wf_CUSTOMER_SURVEY_CORE_DailyFiles] is aborting.
WARNING 9/8/2016 5:28:27 PM Node_BIDEV  140284973283072 LM_36322    Workflow [wf_CUSTOMER_SURVEY_CORE_DailyFiles]: Execution aborted.

The command script I am using is

libreoffice --headless --convert-to csv:"Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)":"126,0,76,1,2" /var/opt/load/Sourcedata/CUSTOMER_SURVEY/2016Q2_ML_V1.xlsx

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