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remote desktop session - CentOS

+1 vote

I have a server that I want to setup confluence on. The server is accessed via ssh with keys. I was wondering if I need to install Xorg and a windows manager in order to access it remotely (I'm just starting into the confluence documentation now). It seems as though I would, but I'd like to avoid having the graphical desktop on this server if possible.

posted Sep 17, 2013 by Deepankar Dubey

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1 Answer

+1 vote

I'm not familiar with Confluence but its highly doubtful that you would need any X server on your server, assuming you're going to access any X based applications running on that server remotely. Remember, the X server manages the *local hardware* (the computer you are sitting in front of) while an X client can be anywhere.
I don't know what X clients you plan to run (Confluence appears to be a web application), but if its for some sort of X based administration utility, then no. You'd run that utility on the sever and export its display back to your workstation.

answer Sep 17, 2013 by anonymous
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The system log (/var/log/messages) of a CentOS 7.2 system has frequently-repeated message line pairs like:

Jul 18 14:00:01 localhost systemd: Started Session 307 of user root.
Jul 18 14:00:01 localhost systemd: Starting Session 307 of user root.

where the session number increases each time.

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I did that and rebooted, and it has stopped the messages.

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