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Sessions working/not working in PHP

0 votes

I have the following (below) session code at the top of each page.. The 'print_r' (development feature only) confirms that on one particular page I do log out as the session var = (). but, on testing that page via the URL I still get to see the page and all its contents - session var() -.. the page has the following session_start, DOCTYPE Info then containing meta info

error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
$username = $_SESSION['username'];
posted Aug 12, 2013 by Sheetal Chauhan

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1 Answer

0 votes

But when are you populating the SESSION's? Such as:
$_SESSION['userid'] = $userid;

Also, have a look at this, may help:

answer Aug 12, 2013 by Seema Siddique
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From what I can read this has something to do with 'serialization' - i.e., the emerging object must be unserialized ( ). However, I can't get it to work.

Any tips on how that is done, or what I should do instead?

This program is being developed on a testing server that can then be put on a production server.

Here are my server specs:
Apache Version : 2.2.17
PHP Version : 5.3.3
MySQL Version : 5.5.8
