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How many pieces of candy did each kid have?

+1 vote

The kids on Cubbon Street counted all of their Halloween candy. They had 18 pieces of candy in all.

Abby had fewer than 4 pieces of candy.
Billy had twice as much as Abby.
Charlie had twice as much as Billy.
David had 2 pieces more than Abby.

How many pieces of candy did each kid have?

posted Oct 29, 2014 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Abby -2
Billy-4(twice as Abby)
Charlie-8(twice as Billy)
David-4(2 pieces more than Abby)

answer Oct 29, 2014 by Lakshmi Ramprakash
+1 vote

let abby has a candies, billy has b,charlie has c and david has d
c=2b => c=4a

now all equation are depending only on the value of a .
it is given that value of a <4
now apply hit and trial for a=1,2 and 3 .
we get
Abby had 2 pieces,
Billy had 4 pieces,
Charlie had 8 pieces,
and David had 4 pieces.

answer Oct 31, 2014 by Amit Kumar Pal

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