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To what country was Idi Amin exiled to? Is he still alive?

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To what country was Idi Amin exiled to? Is he still alive?
posted Aug 31, 2019 by Comeback Tuesday

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Idi Amin first went to exile in Libya and then in Saudi Arabia, where he lived until his death on 16 August 2003.

Idi Amin Dada Oumee was a Ugandan military officer who served as the President of Uganda from 1971 to 1979. Popularly known as the "Butcher of Uganda," he is considered one of the most brutal despots in world history. He tried to annex Tanzania's Kagera Region in 1978, so Tanzanian president Julius Nyerere had his troops invade Uganda; they captured Kampala on 11 April 1979 and ousted Amin from power. Amin then went into exile, first in Libya and then in Saudi Arabia, where he lived until his death on 16 August 2003.

answer Sep 3, 2019 by Salil Agrawal