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Can the illness of a Baby (in the womb) be detected early?

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Can the illness of a Baby (in the womb) be detected early?

posted Jun 13, 2017 by Shashi Roy

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What type of illness,
There are many which can be and many cant be.

1 Answer

+1 vote

Yes, the illness of a Baby be detected early. By doing Ultra sound scan you can find the physical fitness of the baby. The most common time for a scan is about 19-20 weeks of pregnancy. This is the best time to check the baby's physical development.

Ultrasound uses sound waves to create an image (picture). The sound waves can not be heard and the power of the sound waves used is very low. In pregnancy an ultrasound scan can be used to look at the developing baby.

Ultrasound can detect some types of physical birth defects that may be found at 19 - 20 weeks of pregnancy.

  1. Cases of spina bifida (Also called: split spine )
  2. Some serious heart defects
  3. Some kidney problems
  4. Absence of part of a limb
  5. Cases of cleft palate.
  6. To determine viability of pregnancy (check if the baby is alive).
  7. To check the number of babies present.
  8. To work out the age of baby in a dating scan.
  9. To check the baby's growth and physical development.
  10. To monitor the pregnancy if there have been complications, such as bleeding, fluid loss, hypertension (high blood pressure) or gestational diabetes.
  11. To check the position of the placenta and assess amount of amniotic fluid around the baby.
  12. To monitor placental health and function.

For more information you can visit to your doctor or midwife, that can provide more information and support.

answer Jun 13, 2017 by Niharika Singh
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