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Can I register an LLP or Pvt. Ltd. in India and then the same company in USA as LLC?

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Can I register an LLP or Pvt. Ltd. in India and then the same company in USA as LLC?
posted Jul 20, 2017 by anonymous

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You can start as a Pvt. Ltd in India., leverage the 3 year tax-free scheme for Startups and only go about incorporating in the US when you have running revenue streams or a signed client.

Setting up an LLC is trivial and you have a host of options ranging from through the comfort of your browser on LegalZoom or over the phone with any lawyer. it is more expensive to setup a company in the US versus India, however, it is also infinitely easier. Depending on the state of your choice it'll be about 600-900 USD including all fees for an LLC.

answer Jul 21, 2017 by Mukul Chag