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Sound Icon in System Tray missing, in Fedora-18/KDE

0 votes

The Sound Icon came up missing from System Tray after reboot, It is not even in Hidden Icons.
How do I get The Sound Icon back in System Tray ? If I click on Kmix from Menu it won't start and display Kmix. If I remember it was just after I did a Update.

posted Aug 3, 2013 by Sonu Jindal

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

something you might try, procedure i have used to add programs to tray.

right click on "Kickoff Application Launcher", select "Menu Editor" to bring up "KDE Menu Editor" window.

click [+] next to "Multimedia", then click "KMix (Sound Mixer)". to right, under "General" tab, check [] Place in system tray.

answer Aug 3, 2013 by Luv Kumar
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