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What is differnce between Catalog price Rules and Shopping cart Price Rules?

+3 votes
What is differnce between Catalog price Rules and Shopping cart Price Rules?
posted Apr 22, 2015 by Rahul Singh

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1 Answer

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Ran into an issue today that I thought I would share a fix for, having catalog and shopping cart pricing rules stack their discount on each other. What do I mean?

Say you have a catalog price rule that gives a 25% discount to all items in a certain category so a product with a base price of $20 would display with a discount to $15. Now, you have a coupon code for 30% off any purchase setup as a shopping cart price rule in the admin. What happens when a user adds this item to their cart and applies the coupon code? With default Magento it runs as follows:

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answer Apr 25, 2015 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay