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Rebase fails with error: integration activity change set is not empty in UCM Clearcase, Can someone please help here

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Rebase fails with error: integration activity change set is not empty in UCM Clearcase, Can someone please help here
posted Feb 25, 2015 by Kali Mishra

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1 Answer

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In UCM it is common problem wher we try to undo the rebase operation. To get rid of this problem you need to follow different operation,

Please follow below steps one by one:

  1. Run cleartool rebase -status to get the Integration activity name:

    $:> cleartool rebase -status
    Rebase operation in progress on stream "stream:Test_Stream@\Project_VOB"
    Operation is currently being canceled - some data may already have been

        Started by "Dev1" on  "07-Sep-00.13:05:00" 
        Using integration activity  " KRP200000783 ". 
        Using view  "Dev1_Test_Stream". 
        Integration Stream  Baselines: 
    Activities included in this  operation: 
  2. Run cleartool describe -long activity:activity_name to determine if the change set is actually empty:

$:> cleartool describe -long activity:KRP200000783@\Project_VOB

activity "KRP200000783"                                                 
  created  07-Sep-00.13:05:02 by DEV1.CCUsers@H51044       
   "Integration activity created by rebase on 09/07/2000 01:05:00  PM.   
  master replica:  BOSRAT@\Project_VOB 
  owner: DOMAINA\Admin1                                                   
  group:  DOMAINA\CCUsers                                   
  stream:  Test_Stream@\Project_VOB 
  title: rebase Test_Stream on 09/07/2000  01:05:00 PM.                 
  change set versions:                                                   
  clearquest record id:  KRP200000783 

Note: The change set is empty in the above output.
3. If there are versions listed under change set versions in the output of step #2, then remove the change set versions and try to cancel the rebase again:
cleartool rmver -xbranch -xlabel -xattr -xhlink
4. If no change sets are listed in the output for step #2, then run cleartool dump activity:activity_name and check the mod count and activity change set list:
P:> cleartool dump activity:KRP200000783@\Project_VOB KRP200000783
5. Run ucmutil sync_changeset activity:activity_name to see if there are any mis-matches:
Note: ucmutil resides in the C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\etc\utils.
C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\etc\utils> ucmutil sync_changeset

 Total of 1 activities scanned.                                           
Total of 0 activities  checked.                                         
Total of 0 checked-out change set checked.                               
Total of 0 mismatched  checked-out changeset. 

Note: In this example, there are no mis-matches reported.
6. If there are mis-matches reported in the output of step #5, then run the same command with the -fix switch and try to cancel the rebase again:
C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\etc\utils> ucmutil sync_changeset -fix activity:KRP200000783@\Project_VOB .
7. If there are no mis-matches in the output of step #5, then run cleartool describe -ahlink -all activity:activity_name to check for change set versions or dangling hyperlinks:
P:> cleartool des -ahlink -all activity:KRP200000783@\Project_VOB

    Change -> \07105-KRP2-KRPRES\07105-KRP2-02Required\07105-APP2-02  ReqPro@@\main\APPRES_Integration\Team_APPRES\3                                 
    Change  -> \07105-APP2-APPRES\07105-APP2-02Requirements\07105-APP2-02 ReqPro\Old-Archive@@\main\APPRES_Integration\Team_APPRES\2 
     Change -> \07105-APP2-APPRES\07105-APP2-03 Analysis and Design\01705-APP2-03 
 XDE Models\Conversion Data Model@@\main\Team_APPRES\7                   
     Change -> \07105-APP2-APPRES\07105-APP2-03 Analysis and Design\01705-APP2-03 XDE Models\Conversion Data Model@@\main\Team_APPRES\8 

Note: There are no dangling hyperlinks (like Change -> ?), in this example.
8. If there are dangling hyperlinks in the output for step #6, then run cleartool checkvob -hlink activity:KRP200000783@\Project_VOB. Repeat step #6 and verify that the hyperlinks list is empty. If it is, you can proceed with canceling the rebase.
9. If the hyperlinks list contains entries to actual versions, as the output in step #7 does, then those versions must be removed as detailed above in step #3. Then cancel the rebase.

answer Feb 26, 2015 by Amit Kumar Pandey