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What is pointer to array in c?

+2 votes
What is pointer to array in c?
posted Feb 18, 2015 by Alwaz

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2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

A pointer which holds base address of an array or address of any element of an array is known as pointer to array. For example:


int main(){
  int arr[5]={100,200,300};
  int *ptr1=arr;
  char *ptr2=(char *)arr;
  printf("%d   %d",*(ptr1+2),*(ptr2+4));
  return 0;       

Output: 300   44


int main(){
  static int a=11,b=22,c=33;
  int * arr[5]={&a,&b,&c};
  int const * const *ptr=&arr[1];
  printf("%d ",**ptr);
  return 0;        

Output: 11
answer Feb 19, 2015 by Mohammed Hussain
0 votes
  1. Pointer variable holds address of some data (pointer type should match data type).
  2. An array variable holds the address of the first element of the array.

In effect, pointer to an array of particular type holds the address of the array of the same data type.
For example:

double *p; // Pointer to double data type
double balance[10]; // Array of double data type

p = balance; // Pointer points to the address of first element of the array.
For detailed reference:

answer Feb 19, 2015 by R.senthil