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How TAU in source eNB interrupts S1 handover (intra MME S1 HO)?

+3 votes
How TAU in source eNB interrupts S1 handover (intra MME S1 HO)?
posted Feb 18, 2015 by Alkesh Mehta

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1 Answer

+1 vote

I think your query is related to periodic TAU, once the periodic TAU timer expires, UE initiates TAU.
As per my understanding, there is no interrupt since TAU is a NAS procedure and handover is S1-AP. Even though handover procedure is in progress, there is no impact on periodic TAU procedure.

Please correct me if I am wrong or misunderstood your query.

answer Feb 18, 2015 by Vimal Kumar Mishra
thanks. observed from successful HO that TAU does not affect s1 handover
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