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What does mean of MBR(Master Boot record) in context of OS?

+2 votes
What does mean of MBR(Master Boot record) in context of OS?
posted Nov 4, 2014 by Amit Kumar Pandey

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What is MBR :
Master Boot Record (MBR) is the information in the first sector of any hard disk or diskette that identifies how and where an operating system is located so that it can be boot (loaded) into the computer's main storage or random access memory.
MBR is also sometimes called the "partition sector" or the "master partition table" because it includes a table that locates each partition that the hard disk has been formatted into.
In addition to this table, the MBR also includes a program that reads the boot sector record of the partition containing the operating system to be booted into RAM. In turn, that record contains a program that loads the rest of the operating system into RAM.

Here is a link which provide more info regaring MBR
Master Boot Record

answer Nov 5, 2014 by Arshad Khan