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Hey ! How Can Write Java program to decomposes a well-formed URL [CLOSED]

–2 votes

(a) Write a Java program the decomposes a well-formed URL input into its components: scheme (protocol),
hostname, port number, and the resource (le).

(b) Reconstruct the decomposed URL in part (a) into its equivalent one, but replace the hostname with its IP
Tip: Have a closer look at the API and the from

closed with the note: no one help me
posted Nov 2, 2014 by As M Ob

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can not understand anything what is the problem u r facing
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Assignment 2

var count;
// the number of value that you want to check if number or no
count=window.prompt("please enter value for count ");
var c;
window.alert("The Value Is Number ! ");
window.alert("SorrY . The Value is Not Number (NaN ) ");
c=window.prompt(" NOT NUMBER ! \n please enter value for count ");
c=window.prompt(" NEGATIVE NUMBER ! \n please enter value for count ");
window.alert("The Value Is Number ! ");
window.alert("SorrY . The Value is Not Number (NaN ) ");
c=window.prompt(" NOT NUMBER ! \n please enter value for count ");
window.alert(" POSITIVE NUMBER ");
document.writeln("GooD . The Value is Positive ");
