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Swap 2 characters in a sentence which is adjacent to white space

+4 votes

It should be work for Dynamic input

For Example
Input: Hello Good to See You
Output: HellG ooot dS oeY eou

posted Aug 5, 2014 by Avinash Ks

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2 Answers

+2 votes

Check the following Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

static inline void swap(char *a, char *b){
        char ch = *a;
        *a = *b;
        *b = ch;

char *wordTop(char *s){
        while(*s && isspace(*s))
        return *s ? s : NULL;

char *wordTail(char *s){
        char *p;
                p = s++;
        }while(*s && !isspace(*s));
        return p;

int main(){
        char *input;
        char *top, *tail;

        input = malloc(255);

        printf("Enter the Input\n");
        top = input;
                tail = wordTail(wordTop(top));
                if((top = wordTop(tail+1)))
                        swap(top, tail);
        printf("\n%s\n", input);

My Name is Pardeep

MN yami eP sardeep

answer Aug 5, 2014 by Pardeep Kohli
I am giving solution in the Java.Please look....
public class swap {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input = "Hello Good to See You";
        char chracters[] = new char[]{};
        if (input != null && !input.isEmpty()) {
            chracters = input.toCharArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < chracters.length; i++) {
                if (i > 0 && chracters[i] == ' ') {
                    char tempChar = chracters[i - 1];
                    chracters[i - 1] = chracters[i + 1];
                    chracters[i + 1] = tempChar;
        for (int i = 0; i < chracters.length; i++) {


input = "Hello Good to See You"
output = HellG ooot dS oeY eou
is this possible to without using pointers.can give me solution without using pointers.
+2 votes
void swap(char *str)
    char temp;
    char *p, *q;
          if( *p != ' ' && *(p+1) == ' ')
             q = p;
          if(*(p-1) == ' ' && *p != ' ')
               temp = *q;
               *q = *p;
                *p = temp;

int main(void)
     char string[255];
     printf("Enter the String \n");
     printf("output string :\n");
     printf("%s\n", string);
     return 0;
answer Aug 5, 2014 by Prakash Singh
is this possible to without using pointers.can give me solution without using pointers.
Yes. It is possible, we have to do small modifications inside swap functions.

void swap(char *str)
   char temp; int i,j;
          if(str[i] != ' ' && str[i+1] ==' ')
                   j =i;
          if(str[i-1] == ' ' && str[i] != ' ')
                    temp = str[j];
                    str[j] = str[i];
                    str[i] = temp;

please check this one.
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