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GCC: How does make command work ?

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GCC: How does make command work ?
posted Jul 5, 2014 by Neelam

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1 Answer

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Make utility is used to create the binary or libraries. It is very helpful and avoid to write gcc command manually.
Usually a big may have thousands of files and it is very tedious to write gcc command manually to build up the binary.

In Simple term, it is described as:
Target: Dependency1 Dependency2
action required to achieve target.

For example:
I have following files in same directory.
my_file.h - Header file which includes function prototype
my_file.c - Function defined in my_file.c file
main.c - Function called from here.
myBin- binary or executable

Target: Dependency1 Dependency2
myBin: main.o my_file.o
gcc -I . -c main.o my_file.o

Target: Dependency1
main.o: main.c my_file.h
gcc -I . -c main.c

my_file.o: my_file.c my_file.h
gcc -I . -c my_file.c

answer Jul 5, 2014 by Rupam
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