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When I update fedora 20, I get a glitch with some packages of fedora 21.

+1 vote

Should I remove rpmfusion-free-rawhide?

posted May 2, 2014 by Naveena Garg

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1 Answer

+1 vote

It's not for Fedora 20, so decide yourself.

"Rawhide" refers to the development of the next version of the distribution -> Fedora 21. That's also why the packages contain ".fc21" in their file names.

Check this link it should be helpful

answer May 2, 2014 by Honey
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There's one package that I can't get upgraded, and it's driving me up the wall because every time I run an update via yum or yumex, I have to
remember to exclude it: firefox. Here's the results of my latest try:

Transaction check error:
file /usr/lib/firefox/browser/defaults/preferences from install of firefox-22.0-1.fc19.i686 conflicts with file from package firefox-22.0-1.fc17.i686

I tried using swap:
yum swap firefox*.fc17.i686 firefox*fc.19.i686

because the man page said that that was simply a short form of remove/install, but yum interpreted it as an update. Maybe I'll have to download the file and use rpm to do it, but there should be a way to force it via yum.

+3 votes

Here is what I have tried:

root@secure [~]# which python3

root@secure [~]# which pip

root@secure [~]# yum install pip3
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * epel:
 * extras:
 * remi:
 * updates:
Setting up Install Process
No package pip3 available.
Error: Nothing to do