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LTE: Difference between "SNOW 3G" and "AES" algorithms ?

+8 votes
LTE: Difference between "SNOW 3G" and "AES" algorithms ?
posted Feb 1, 2014 by Vikram Singh

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1 Answer

+2 votes

Both AES and SNOW 3G are encryption algorithms.


  • Streamcipher
  • 128-bit key, 128-bit IV
  • Generate Keystream: 10Kgates, 1.72 Gbps [SAGE06]


  • Blockcipher
  • 128-bit block, 128,192 and 256-bit keys
  • Enc/Dec: 5.4Kgates, 311Mbps ~ 21Kgates, 2.6Gbps @ 0.13µm CMOS [SM03]
answer Mar 25, 2014 by Hiteshwar Thakur
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