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What is the advantage of 5G network over 4G network?

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What is the advantage of 5G network over 4G network?
posted Aug 9, 2018 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+2 votes

This is very vast topi, 5G have more advantage for from the network perspective.

Like, NG-ENB can connect more no of users than LTE as it is using more BW .
Single NG-ENB can handle different kind of UE's like URLLC ,eMBB,mMTC etc where as in LTE single ENB can handle only one type of UE's either NB-IOT or normal commercial UE.
5G uses mmWave for higher data rate.
5G Slot configuration is more flexible.
5G uses masive mimo ,
5G uses Beam forming for better user experience

answer Aug 10, 2018 by Jaganathan
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