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The Difference Between Camel Phase 2 and Camel Phase 3

+1 vote

Hello All,

I have a question regarding the CAMEL.
What is the difference parameters both CAMEL phase 2 and CAMEL phase 3.

Please help me out.
Any response will be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank You.

posted Nov 15, 2017 by Michael Mukesh Gates

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This was discussed earliar, check the following link -

1 Answer

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Phase 1

CAMEL Phase 1 defined only very basic call control services, but introduced the concept of aCAMEL Basic call state model (BCSM) to the Intelligent Network (IN). Phase 1 gave the gsmSCF theability to bar calls (release the call prior to connection), allow a call to continue unchanged, or to modify alimited number of call parameters before allowing it to continue. The gsmSCF could also monitor thestatus of a call for certain events (call connection and disconnection), and take appropriate action onbeing informed of the event.

Phase 1 was defined as part of Release 96 in 1997.

Phase 2

CAMEL Phase 2 enhanced the capabilities defined in Phase 1. In addition to supporting the facilities of Phase 1, Phase 2 included the following:

Additional event detection points

Interaction between a user and a service using announcements, voice prompting and informationcollection via in-band interaction or Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)interaction

Control of call duration and transfer of Advice of Charge Information to the mobile station;

The ability to inform the gsmSCF about the invocation of the supplementary services Explicit CallTransfer (ECT), Call Deflection (CD) and Multi-Party Calls (MPTY)

The ability, for easier post-processing, of integrating charging information from a serving node innormal call records

Phase 2 was defined as part of 3GPP Releases 97 and 98, in 1998, although it is referenced in the stage1 specification of Release 96.

Phase 3

The third phase of CAMEL enhanced the capabilities of phase 2. The following capabilities were added:

Support of facilities to avoid overload

Capabilities to support Dialed Services

Capabilities to handle mobility events, such as (Not-)reachability and roaming;

Control of GPRS sessions and PDP contexts

Control of Mobile Originated SMS through both circuit-switched and packet-switched serving networkentities

Interworking with SoLSA (Support of Localised Service Area). Support for this interworking isoptional;

The gsmSCF can be informed about the invocation of the supplementary service Call Completion toBusy Subscriber (CCBS)

Phase 3 was released as part of 3GPP Releases 99 and 4 in 1999.

Phase 4

The fourth phase of CAMEL built on the capabilities of phase 3. The following features were defined:
CAMEL support for Optimal Routing of circuit-switched mobile-to-mobile calls

answer Nov 29, 2017 by Manikandan J
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