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Google translate API TranslationException message list

+1 vote

I am using google translate API for the translation. In the translation, if any exception occurs, it throws TranslateException with a message.I have added logs in my code which are: Daily Limit Exceeded User Rate Limit Exceeded

and text too long when char limit exceeds 5000 characters in a single request.

I searched in google API docs for TranslateException but didn't find.I want a list of all exception messages like User Rate Limit Exceeded, Daily Limit Exceeded etc.

posted Aug 17, 2017 by Shivam Kumar Pandey

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Is Translate API enabled and also billing?
yes, billing is enabled.
I want to handle this exception based on the message.
I have already checked above links. I need all possible messages [exception.message] .Found some of the messages in second link thanks but here is the problem, I have handled
1.user rate limit,
2. day limit
later got new messages which are
3. `Request payload size exceeds the limit: 204800 bytes` and
4,'Text too long' (when char exceeds 5000 limits).
So I have to handle all situations and each in a different way.Already covered above listed issues and thanks @salil for your active participation. I just want to cover all possible scenarios here only.
Any action on me?
No sir thank you.If I find something better, I will add in this thread.
Hi Shivam,

How did you handle Error 3: `Request payload size exceeds the limit: 204800 bytes'.
I looked online, but couldnt find anything.
Borken down the request into multiple with the limit of allowed size.

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