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How can I translate these sed and perl one-liners to informatica?

+1 vote

the following commands have unique implementation in unix box.

Need to implement in informatica(etl tool). If not any windows solution for the same

sed 's/^#//g' < kam_account_calls.txt > kam_account_calls1.txt

perl -pi -e 's/#//' /coe/informatica/v712_OMJ/FAD/TgtFiles/C3i/CNTDEMO.csv

posted Jan 23, 2015 by Sachin

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1 Answer

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Those two commands look quite similar and (at the same time) a bit strange.

Both look like they're trying to remove a line containing '#', but the first one will only remove a single '#' at the start of a line and the second will only remove a single '#' anywhere in the line - neither will remove the whole line!

What you probably want is either the Perl version or the sed version.

sed is a little more lightweight than Perl. You can get it for Windows.

The sed version of the command I'd expect to do what you want:
sed -i -e '/^#.*$/d' -e 's/[ \t]*#.*$//g' kam_account_calls.txt
That'll do the whole job in place. You'll need to use GNU sed for the "-i" (inplace) functionality. The above command turns this:

 # a comment
 # another comment
 g,h,i  # test comment
 j,k,l # test comment with space
into this:

Perl can do a similar thing for you, but it's a lot more heavyweight to install.

answer Jan 30, 2015 by Shweta Singh
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