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I am wondering why since f23 the boot messages display stops at "switch root"?

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I am wondering why since f23 the boot messages display stops at "switch root"?
posted Oct 3, 2016 by Mandeep Sehgal

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1 Answer

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Check your grub line for 'rhgb quiet'

should NOT have those if you wish to see all the messages, however I believe the default has been to use those 'switches' as they are called since 22.

answer Oct 3, 2016 by Meenal Mishra
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I have been having a problem with TB for quite some time, and I am getting rather tired of the problem.

Images in messages that are sent to me by users of windows are not displayed in TB. Rather, all I see are empty boxes where images are supposed to be.

This is not to say that every message I get from windows users containing images are treated this way by TB.

I am just saying that some individuals I know, who use windows, and send me email containing images are treated this way by TB.

Is there a setting that I need to set?
