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Why code rate is fixed to 1/3 in LTE?

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Why code rate is fixed to 1/3 in LTE?
posted Sep 27, 2016 by Bhagyashree R

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2 Answers

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Because In lte we are using turbo encoding which encodes input and generate 2 more secondary sequence which will use for correct data at receiver, instead of sending 1 sequence we are sending 3 sequence(1 input , 2 secondary sequence).
that's why code rate is fixed 1/3.

answer Sep 28, 2016 by Raju Dhedhi
Thank you can you please explain what is turbo encoding? I'm new to LTE.
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Turbo encoding we are using in physical is one type of coding algorithm for correct data at receiver side.
Before sending data we will do channel coding.
refer this

answer Sep 28, 2016 by Raju Dhedhi