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Is it possible to optimize this code to reduce number of instructions performing on it?

+3 votes
int32 find_result(int64 sec)

    if(config == defualt_base)
        uint32 H      = j * k + 1; /*(here j and k global)*/

        if((((uint32)(sec - CS - RS)) % (H * N_p * M_r))== 0) 
            result = 0;
        if((((uint32)(sec - CS - RS)) % (N_p * M_r))== 0)  /*(N_p and M_r global)*/
            result = 0;

This function have to be execute several times in a second, How can optimize it ? Please help me to avoid mathematical operations applying on this function?

posted Sep 6, 2016 by Suchakravarthi Sripathi

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What is CS and RS.
sec - CS - RS can be written as sec-(CS+RS). Though most compiler must be already optimizing it. Other then this I dont see any...
Hi salil,

can you provide me some tip, how do i check number of instructions performing on my particular c Program ?
I don't have any pointer as of now, but you can google to find out if there is some tool exist to find out the number of machine cycle in a code.
use gcc option -S to generate an assmebly code. that will give you an  picture of actual machine code.
HI jaganathan,

Can u able to do any optimization on above code? ( I need something to replace with arthemetic operations). Please help me if you can..
Hi salil,

Is there any system level improvement by using sec - (cs+rs) instead of (sec-cs-rs) ?
Not sure check with assembly code of both the cases...
I dont think any optimization we can do. But execution timing we can reduce by replacing % operator with bitwise operation, bcause % operator is so costly in time wise, so you can reduse it.

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