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Get all fields from bugzilla rest API

0 votes

I'm trying to get ALL fields from bugzilla using the rest API. Although, I didn't find any simple way of doing that.

I saw that I can get the "all simple fields" using:

and than get the history using:

and finally get the comments using:

But, is there any way of getting all these fields (all_fields + history + comments ) using only one request?

posted May 2, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

0 votes

Doesn't seem so, but you could have a look at the available hooks processed during a web service request and consider writing a custom extension providing your logic.

Some parts of the docs seem to be unavailable currently, especially the list with the hooks, so search for "Bugzilla::Hook::process" in the BugzillaWebService folder.

answer May 2, 2016 by Abhay Kulkarni
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