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Is there a limit on recursion of main function in C/C++, how many times main function can call itself?

+1 vote
Is there a limit on recursion of main function in C/C++, how many times main function can call itself?
posted Mar 8, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Whenever we define a recursive function,we also define a stopping criteria when it stops to call there is no limit on calling a recursive function but it has stopping criteria.
and recursion about main function, it cannot be called as it is illegal to call main function inside main because it goes to infinite loop. like main ->main->main->but after that it will again call main function and never reach to stopping criteria so it will restart the program again and again.

answer Mar 8, 2016 by Shivam Kumar Pandey
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To the result:


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def flatten(l):
 ret = []
 for i in l:
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