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Who is the only bowler apart from the Indian leg spinner Anil Kumble to pick 10 wickets in an innings?

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Who is the only bowler apart from the Indian leg spinner Anil Kumble to pick 10 wickets in an innings?
posted May 4, 2017 by Vijay

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Jim Laker was a cricketer who played for England in the 1950s, known for "Laker's match" in 1956 at Old Trafford, Manchester, when he took nineteen wickets in England's victory against Australia. Laker was the first player to take all 10 wickets in a Test match innings, ten for 53 in the Australians' 2nd innings of the 4th Ashes Test at Old Trafford in 1956 (the only other bowler to take all 10 wickets is Anil Kumble of India in 1999).

answer Jun 6, 2017 by Deepak Jangid