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Guess me : He is noble. He is rare. He makes you squeak! Quiescent! Light! Bright coloured things He brings ..........

+1 vote

He is noble. He is rare.

He makes you squeak! Quiescent! Light!

Bright coloured things He brings to flight!

For all of that (so we are told)

He can be amazingly cold.

Who is He?

posted Jun 10, 2015 by Kuldeep Apte

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1 Answer

+3 votes
Best answer

RESULT: "He" is the chemical symbol for **Helium. **

Helium is the second simplest element.

Helium is a "rare" or "noble" gas.

When inhaled, helium leads to a high-pitched voice.

Helium is stable and lighter than air, two properties which make it the natural choice for filling balloons.

Helium can be supercooled down to a few millionths of one degree.

answer Jun 10, 2015 by Mohammed Hussain

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