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A robber comes in a house that a rich person owns and hears a voice say..........something moving behind him.What is it?

+1 vote

A robber comes in a house that a rich person owns and hears a voice say, "Jesus is watching you". He goes in the kitchen and hears it even louder, "Jesus is watching you". He keeps going room through room it getting even louder till he comes to the bedroom and sees a parrot that is saying, "Jesus is watching you". The robber is freaked out when he hears something moving behind him. What is it?

posted Apr 27, 2015 by Sandeep Otari

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2 Answers

+1 vote

A TV program about Jesus

answer Apr 28, 2015 by anonymous
0 votes

Jesus is the name of the watch dog.

answer Oct 13, 2015 by Ramana V Sista

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