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Three days ago, yesterday was the day before Sunday. What day will it be tomorrow?

+1 vote

If I said that in three days' time it would be a Thursday, I am sure that most of you would have no difficulty telling me that today was a Monday.

Try this one then. Yesterday was two days before Monday. What day is it today? Yes, you're right again. It's Sunday. Do you get the idea?

Now let's tackle a similar question from The National Mathematics Contest (1991) Paper:

Three days ago, yesterday was the day before Sunday. What day will it be tomorrow?

posted Apr 7, 2014 by Hiteshwar Thakur

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2 Answers

0 votes

Three days ago, yesterday was the day before Sunday, so three days ago was itself Sunday. That means today is Wednesday, so tomorrow is Thursday

answer Jun 20, 2014 by anonymous
0 votes

Today is wednesday and tomorrow is thursday.

answer Jun 24, 2014 by Binu Mon