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There are two sisters whose combined age is 11 years.One is 10 years older than the other.How old are both the sisters?

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There are two sisters whose combined age is 11 years.One is 10 years older than the other.How old are both the sisters?
posted Mar 9, 2018 by Deepak Chitragar

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3 Answers

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S1 + S2 = 11
S1 - S2 = 10
2S1 = 21
S1 = 10.5
S2 = 11 - 10.5 = 0.5

answer Mar 9, 2018 by Tejas Naik
0 votes

answer 10.5 and 0.5 years

answer Mar 10, 2018 by Gangadharan Kv
0 votes

Older one is 10 years and 6 months while the younger one is just 6 months

answer Mar 10, 2018 by Rishit Arora

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