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A famous chemist was found murdered in his own lab. There was no evidence.........How did they know who it was and why?

+3 votes

A famous chemist was found murdered in his own lab.

There was no evidence except for a piece of paper with the names of chemical substances on it, which he wrote right before he died.

The chemicals on the list were;

On the day he was murdered, the chemist had only 3 visitors: his wife Mary, his nephew Nicolas, and his friend Johnathan.

The police arrested the murderer right away.

How did they know who it was and why?

posted Oct 12, 2017 by Puneet Batra

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2 Answers

+1 vote

The symbols of the chemicals spell Nicolas
Nickel = Ni
Carbon = C
Oxygen = O
Lanthanum = La
Sulfur = S

answer Oct 12, 2017 by Jcm
0 votes

Nicolas was the murderer
Because,The symbols of the chemicals spell Nicolas
Nickel = Ni
Carbon = C
Oxygen = O
Lanthanum = La
Sulfur = S

answer Oct 13, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana

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