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Arrange the following numbers in decreasing order: 2^5555, 3^3333, 6^2222

–1 vote
Arrange the following numbers in decreasing order: 2^5555, 3^3333, 6^2222
posted Aug 3, 2014 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+1 vote

6^2222 > 2^5555 > 3^3333

do it for low number ie 6^2, 2^5 and 3^3 which is 36, 32 and 27 hence the answer.

answer Jan 6, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
0 votes

5555 log 2= 1111 log 2^5= 1111 log 32
3333 log 3=1111 log 3^3 = 1111 log 27
2222 log 6= 1111 log 6^2= 1111 log 36

Since log 36>log 32>log 27
Therefore 6^2222 > 2^5555 > 3^3333

answer Aug 23, 2016 by Anand Warik

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