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What comes next in the following series - 1, 4, 27, 16, ?, 36, 343.

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What comes next in the following series - 1, 4, 27, 16, ?, 36, 343.
posted Nov 9, 2016 by Mishthy Mukherjee

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3 Answers

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In this series odd terms are cubes of odd numbers starting from 1. While even terms are squares of the even numbers starting from 2.
Following this pattern we can clearly see that the question mark is replaced with 5^3 = 125.

answer Nov 9, 2016 by Tejas Naik
0 votes

1 = 1×1×1
4 = 2×2
27= 3×3×3
16 = 4×4
36 = 6×6

The required number is 125

answer Nov 9, 2016 by Justine Mtafungwa
0 votes

Alternating squares and cubes, 125.

answer Nov 11, 2016 by anonymous