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I am a six letter word. If I did not exist, you wouldn't be either. With my first letter omitted I am an alternative...

+1 vote

I am a six letter word.
If I did not exist, you wouldn't be either.
With my first letter omitted I am an alternative.
The last three letters are feminine.
My first four letters make an insect.

Who am I?

posted Oct 16, 2016 by anonymous

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4 Answers

+2 votes


If I did not exist, you wouldn't be either - Its obvious
With my first letter omitted I am an alternative - other
The last three letters are feminine - her
My first four letters make an insect - moth

answer Oct 16, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
0 votes

Its **



answer Oct 17, 2016 by Varghese Anthony
0 votes


The answer is MOTHER


answer Oct 18, 2016 by anonymous
0 votes


answer Oct 18, 2016 by Debolina Charaborthy

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