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How long will it take for water to hit his house?

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A man built his house above a river between two trees. He attaches his house to the middle of the two tree's trunks. He does this because the river rises by 2 inches each years, but the trees grow 1 inch each year. If his house is 4 inches above the river how long will it take for water to hit his house?

posted Jun 17, 2014 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay

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1 Answer

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Each year, the river rises by 2 inches and tree grows by 1 inch,
so the relative gap between river level and house gets decreases by 1 inch every year.

So, the gap of 4 inches will be covered in 4 years, and then water will hit the house.

answer Jun 18, 2014 by Shobhit Upadhyay

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