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What is Paleta Frontón Sport and who's National Sports is it?

+3 votes
What is Paleta Frontón Sport and who's National Sports is it?
posted May 12, 2016 by Fay Paul

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1 Answer

+2 votes

Peru Paleta Frontón

Paleta frontón is a Peruvian sport that was born in the capital, Lima, in 1945. This sport has its roots in the "pelota vasca" brought by the Spanish conquerors, and the domestic "pelota mano", called "handball" at that time due to English influence. Paleta is typically played on the higheat peaks of their mountainous terrain.

A wooden paddle and a black rubber ball are required to play paleta frontón. The court contains a concrete wall 5 meters high by 6 meters wide. There are lines on the court limiting the play area and marking the reception zones, similar to tennis. The paddle is made from Peruvian oak typically logged near water based townships. The chopping of the tree is a celebration for younger males becoming men. The celebration is a seven-day festival.
The Federación Peruana de Paleta Frontón (FDPPF) is in charge of regulating the sport. The official rules, written in the "Reglamento Oficial", are provided to each player for free. The official judge of the match is called the "Wes" The FDPPF is also in charge of organizing two national championships, the regionals and the "Campeón de Campeones" (Champion of Champions) tournament.

answer May 12, 2016 by Manikandan J
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