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What to do to stop your tears while chopping the onions

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Onions produce the chemical irritant known as syn-propanethial-S-oxide. It stimulates the eyes' lachrymal glands so they release tears. Scientists used to blame the enzyme allinase for the instability of substances in a cut onion. 

The process goes as follows:

  1. Lachrymatory-factor synthase is released into the air when we cut an onion.
  2. The synthase enzyme converts the amino acids sulfoxides of the onion into sulfenic acid.
  3. The unstable sulfenic acid rearranges itself into syn-ropanethial-S-oxide.
  4. Syn-propanethial-S-oxide gets into the air and comes in contact with our eyes. The lachrymal glands become irritated and produces the tears!

When an onion goes under the knife, cells are ruptured, which causes a chemical reaction. The resulting gas is highly irritating to most eyes. When the eye processes irritation, neurons send up all kinds of flares to the brain asking for help flushing out the invaders. Reflexive tears to the rescue!




What do onions contain?

Onions contain amino acid sulfoxides that form sulfenic acids in the onion cells. Both the enzymes and the sulfenic acids are kept separately in the cells. When you cut the onion, the otherwise separate enzymes start mixing and produce propanethiol S-oxide, which is a volatile sulphur compound that starts wafting towards your eyes. The gas that is emitted reacts with the water of your eyes and forms sulphuric acid. The sulphuric acid thus produced causes burning sensation in your eyes and this in turn leads to the tear glands secreting tears. Thus you end up with watery eyes every time you cut onions at home.

It is the sulphur compound in the onions that also leave a typical odour of onions on your hands and utensils even after washing.

Tips to avoid the tears:

  • Make sure that you keep your fans off while cutting onions. If it is running, the air is on constant circulation, which will lead to the spread of gas and increase the burning sensation in your eyes.
  • Refrigerate the onion before cutting. By refrigerating, you freeze the enzymes from mixing with the sulfenic acids and the production of propanethiol S-oxide is stopped. As a result, sulphuric acid is not formed when you chop the onions. Wear safety goggles while chopping onions. It is also a good idea to keep away the gas from reaching your eyes.
  • Cooking the onion inactivates the enzyme. So cook the onion after you de-skin and before letting the knife touch the onion. Soak onions in water before cutting. Water absorbs the gas and you can avoid the tears.
  • Lighting a candle or a lamp near the chopping board is another effective way to avoid the tears. When a candle is lit near the chopping board the gas that is emitted from the onions get drawn towards the flame of the burning candle or lamp and it does not reach your eyes
  • Avoid cutting the onion till the root. This will prevent the mixing of enzymes with the sulfenic acids and you can spare your eyes of the burning sensation and tears.
posted Mar 22, 2016 by Vijay

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Counting calories is incredible on the off chance that you need to lose some inches, chop down cholesterol or expansion your vitality levels. Yet, hey, on the off chance that you are fearing your eating regimen schedule, possibly it's an ideal opportunity to offer it a reprieve. Here are 12 genuine reasons you have to quit attempting to get thinner, in light of the fact that really your body will thank you for it. 

1. You are eager constantly. 

This is an indication that your eating routine isn't satisfying your body's nourishment. It makes you hungry and some of the time frail as well. So quit starving yourself for some time. 


2. Unfortunate association with food. 

Is your association with nourishment turning into an upsetting one that you've started to fixate on? This is confirmation that you must offer yourself a tremendously required reprieve. 


3. You voraciously consume food. Constantly. 

In the event that you are pigging out constantly, you are clearly not taking after your eating routine and wind up starving yourself as well. So why not enjoy a reprieve from it for some time. 


4. You don't feel sound or adjusted. 

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5. You feel touchy and cranky. 

Feeling touchy and fiddling with emotional episodes is an indication that your eating regimen is exploded backward because of hardship of vital supplements. 



6. You've lost your hankering totally. 

Losing your hankering isn't something worth being thankful for. This implies you're always on edge about what you put into your mouth and that is keeping you pushed. 


7. You are getting discouraged. 

Misery is the consequence of less sugars in your body which is required for serotonin - the neurotransmitter that keeps you upbeat. 


8. You have an inclination that you are rebuffing yourself. 

When you begin feeling like you are rebuffing yourself is the time you have to stop your eating regimen and begin eating in light of the fact that else you'll be hopeless constantly the time. 


9. You feel tired constantly. 

This implies the nourishment you are eating isn't sufficiently adequate for your body and doesn't give you any vitality. 


10. Your eating routine turns into your life. 

In the event that you've started to fixate on your eating routine to another level it's a great opportunity to offer yourself a reprieve and enjoy. 


11. Your weight changes. 

In the event that you can't go to a consistent, adjusted weight possibly it's a great opportunity to investigate your eating regimen.


Cholesterol may be a lipoid found within the blood that's usually thought-about as harmful for the body. Contrary to the current common belief, sterol is very essential for traditional functioning and maintenance of the body. sterol is needed to create membranes and membrane fluids. it's additionally proverbial to play a vital role within the synthesis of vitamin D and hormones like progestogen, sex hormone and androgenic hormone.

Various studies counsel that yoga will facilitate curb sterol naturally with none harmful side-effects on the body. Yoga is associate degree ancient discipline that shapes up the body and calms the mind through yoga asanas, pranayamas and meditation. These yoga postures will assist you bring your sterol level beneath control.

1. Kapal bhati pranayama (Skull shining breathing technique)

This pranayama will increase the rate and reduces weight. It additionally stimulates the abdominal organs and improves gastrointestinal tract functioning.



2. Chakrasana (Wheel pose)

The Wheel create massages the abdominal organs and helps alleviate constipation. It additionally improves the functioning of the liver and therefore helps get eliminate excess fat and steroid alcohol.

3. Shalabhasana (Locust pose)

The Locust create stretches the belly and stimulates the abdominal organs. This create too helps overcome constipation.

4. Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)

The Shoulder stand stimulates the abdominal organs and improves digestion.

5. Paschimottanasana (Two-legged forward bend)

This create stimulates the liver and kidneys; reduces avoirdupois and gets eliminate excess fat from the abdominal region.

6. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half-spinal twist)

This create massages the abdominal organs, stimulates the liver and helps in overcoming symptom.


If you are among the plethora of American workers who spend long days working at the computer, chances are you will notice the strain of this job on your body. Sore back and neck or troubles with your hands and wrists are common computer-related ailments, but did you know that you blink 60% less when you look at a computer screen?

Computer Visions Strain

This, combined with several other factors, can lead to computer-related eyestrain and discomfort. This problem is so prevalent that it's even been given its own name: Computer Visions Strain (CVS). CVS affects 64% to 90% of office workers. While it doesn't cause permanent damage, it can definitely affect the comfort of a long-term computer user.

Symptoms of CVS include blurry eyesight, dry or watery eyes, eyes burning or itching, increased light sensitivity, and headache/neck/shoulder/back tension.

Alleviate Computer-Related Eye Discomfort

Thankfully, there are ways to combat even work-mandated computer eyestrain. Here are a few easy-to-follow tips that can greatly alleviate computer-related eye discomfort:

1) Regularly Take a Moment to Look Away from the Screen.

Just like the rest of your body can do with some stretching during a long day by the computer, so too can your eyes.

Try focusing on an object far away (down the hallway, outside, etc.), then quickly shift your focus back to something on your desk. Do this 3-4 times every 10 minutes or so.

Frequent micro-breaks are much more effective at combating eyestrain than longer intermittent breaks, so really commit to doing this on a regular basis. Set a vibrating alarm if you have to. This little break is also a great way to “unstick” your thought pattern. Try doing it while you’re thinking to help loosen up the brain-juices.

2) Ensure Proper Lighting in Your Workspace.

Fluorescent lights are the worst type of lighting for computer eyestrain. If at all possible, turn off all nearby fluorescent fixtures and light your desk using 100-watt bulbs.

Here's a simple test to see if the lighting in your work area is appropriate: Look at your computer monitor and cup your hands over your eyes like a baseball cap. If this immediately causes relief, then you know that the lighting in your work area should be changed.

Experiment in adjusting the brightness/dimness, angle and number of lights to discover what works the best for you. Also remember that the materials on your desk (rather than the materials on your computer screen) need to be adequately lit so make sure you have a desk or standing lamp to help accomplish this.

3) Blink!

Blinking lubricates and cleanses the eye and, unfortunately, under stress or in high concentration scenarios most individuals do not blink regularly. Healthy eyes blink 10-12 times a minute.

An added benefit of blinking is that it relaxes the facial muscles and forehead and this counters the brow-furrowing tendency that can cause lasting head/neck tension and lead to headaches. If your eyes still feel red and itchy after blinking, try using natural lubricating re-wetting drops (available at any pharmacy). They can really help your eyes stay moist over the course of a long day.

4) Make Your Workspace Ergonomically Correct for You.

Your computer screen should be about an arm's length (18-24 inches) away and situated directly in front of your face rather than off to one side. The monitor should be positioned centrally about 4-8 inches below your eyes in order to combat neck strain while you read and type.

If at all possible, situate your desk so that you can look beyond the computer screen (rather than in a corner or looking at a wall). This allows you to take the previously discussed mini-breaks with relative ease.

5) Minimize Screen Glare.

In order to detect potential glare problems, turn on the lights in the room before turning your computer on when you enter your workspace. If any images or reflections are visible on the blank computer screen, then you know that you have a glare problem.

In this case, you can try moving the screen to a better location, tilting it to a better angle, moving the objects that you saw reflected on the screen, adjusting the artificial light or covering windows to block sunlight, or you might consider an anti-glare film for your monitor.

6) Dust Your Monitor Frequently.

A thick layer of dust can cause diffraction of the screen images, which makes them more difficult to look at and can lead to eyestrain.

7) Get Your Eyes Checked Regularly.

You should be visiting an optometrist once a year to have your vision checked.


We live in a bustling world where we juggle numerous obligations. It can get unpleasant now and again. Knowing a couple Stress Management Techniques is critical. Before we can lighten stress variables in our lives, we should distinguish the stressors. 

Our profession, connections, and accounts have a tendency to be our greatest anxiety inducers. In some cases, what we believe is the focusing on variable is not the issue by any means. For instance, it might be expressed that work it worrying you. The actuality might be that lingering of finishing an errand is prompting stress as the due date approaches. We should acknowledge obligation regarding the part we play in making stress in our lives. We have control and we can see things in an unexpected way. We can reframe the issues and stressors in our lives. Stress Management Techniques help reframe the issue. Take a gander at the comprehensive view and concentrate on the positive. When we modify our state of mind to a circumstance, the circumstance changes. Here are 6 Stress Management Techniques that help us manage stress when it emerges. 


Stress Management Techniques 

1. Diary - This one demonstration can enormously diminish your anxiety levels and clear your brain. Require some serious energy to diary when you are focused and note what brought about the anxiety, how it affected you and what you improved. What we track, we can make strides. You may start to see an example of times of the day or specific circumstances that cause you push. Utilize these markers to start disposing of these stressors from your life. 


2. Support  yourself with great nourishment - When we are focused on we regularly go after sugar or carb-filled snacks; you know the solace sustenances were discussing. A very much fed body can better adapt to stretch, so aware of what you eat. 


3. Figure out how to say no - Know your cutoff points and stick to them. Saying no can be seen as a demonstration of self-consideration. When we tackle a larger number of undertakings than we can deal with, anxiety is inescapable. Pare down the schedule, by check a few things off the rundown, we consequently calm anxiety.



4. Exercise - Take no less than 20 minutes a day, three times each week to do some physical activity. Practicing can alleviate repressed anxiety or pressure and clear the psyche. 


5. Get a lot of rest - Adequate rest energizes your brain and body to soundly manage stress. 


6. Meditate - Meditation decreases stress, diminishes tension and helps us enter a condition of quiet. A key piece to contemplation is profound relaxing. Here is a profound breathing activity you can do anyplace. It takes around 5 minutes. 

  • Select an open to sitting position. 
  • Close your eyes and direct your regard for your own breathing procedure. 
  • Consider only you're breathing; given it a chance to stream all through your body. 
  • Say to yourself: "I am unwinding, breathing easily and musically. Crisp oxygen is streaming all through my body. I feel quiet, reestablished, and invigorated." 
  • Keep on focusing on your breathing as it streams in and out, in and out, pondering only the smooth rhythmical procedure of your own relaxing. 
  • Understand that the psyche actually meanders; that is normal and typical. When you understand your psyche has strayed far from the breath, essentially bring it back. In time, your psyche will have the capacity to center for more timeframes. 
  • Following 1-5 minutes, stand up, stretch, grin, and proceed with your every day exercises. 
  • In case you're in a rush, stressed you may nod off or are perplexed you will miss something, essentially set a clock to caution you. Doing this for even 1 minute adjusts the sensory system.