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World Top 10 College's that lands Higest Paying Jobs.

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Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Located in Worcester, MA, the Worcester Polytechnic Institute is known for its students hired by tech giants including Amazon, IBM, ExxonMobil, and Boeing. The typical beginning remuneration is $63,400 that rises to $110,300 in your mid-career. the varsity organizes several career fairs, company shows, and networking nights to assist students bring the simplest out of them.

Carnegie Mellon University

"People can rent you as a result of they recognize you'll work since you have got been doing nothing however operating the past four years of your life," one student told the Princeton Review. situated in Pittsburgh, PA, the university believes in coaching students to tackle issues within the world, and it's not left unheeded by potential employers. The median beginning remuneration for a particular candidate is $64,000.

Babson College

The college provides unnumberable ways that to move with employers throughout the year. except Career Corners, Career Expos and business Panels, the college conjointly conduct nearly fifteen employers in residence sessions every semester. With average beginning remuneration of $61,500, Babson faculty is one best place to hold your study forward.

State University of New York Maritime College

The SUNY Maritime faculty offers a extremely specific programme that trains students for career in maritime business. With facilities like job postings board that includes post and regular employment opportunities, the varsity includes a near-perfect job placement rate among 3 months of graduation. the typical beginning remuneration a student will hunt for whereas being in SUNY Maritime is $62,100.

Stevens Institute of Technology


Through its co-op program, the Stevens Institute is one in every of the far-famed institutes among huge names like Colgate, Exxon Mobil, and Panasonic. The institute programme permits students to alternate between within the class semesters and full time jobs aboard real engineers. the typical package a student will land goes up to is $67,100.

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Named among the best rated polytechnic institute, the institute helps students in landing ninety seven jobs in STEM positions. the varsity even runs 2 internal post programs in entrepreneurship and medicine engineering. Primarily based in Terre Haute, IN, the varsity field could be a platform for school kids to secure a mean beginning pay of $67,300.

Stanford University


The university not solely helps students through guidance, job fairs, and resume workshops, it conjointly organizes career communities wherever professors facilitate students explore totally different career methods. The typical beginning remuneration offered by organizations to a Stanford graduate is $65,800.

California Institute of Technology


The Pasadena, CA, primarily based institute, popularly called Caltech helps students with their job search through a series of workshops that embrace sessions on networking, victimisation social media effectively, and the way to attach with recruiters. to boot a in small stages guide is out there for the scholars to land summer internships. The median beginning remuneration for a Caltech student is $82,200.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


MIT includes a potent alumni network encompassing individuals like wealthy person brothers Charles and David Robert Koch and traveler Buzz Aldrin. Through mock interviews, school advising, career fairs, and facilitate with resume, the career department at university ensures students square measure navigating job market prior their course completion. the typical beginning remuneration that a student takes hold of is $76, 300.

Harvey Mudd College


Located in Claremont, CA, doctor Mudd College is understood for his or her out of the manner chores to assist student with summer internships and job leads. The bi-annual career fairs and in depth resources on networking, resume building, and job applications square measure a number of the offerings students will cash in of at Harvey. With its international job search guide students square measure ready to search jobs internationally that lands average beginning remuneration of $76, 300.

posted Mar 2, 2016 by Atindra Kumar Nath

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Every animal species have some kind of speciality that make them unique. Some animals have power to run faster than super cars, at same time some species are super slow in motion. Let's take a look at top 10 Slowest Animals in the World:

1. Seahorse

Our number one on our top ten list of the 10 Slowest Animals In The World is the Seahorse. Which is not a horse! The curiously cute creatures are actually fish, gills and all! Moving at an impressive 0.04 cm per sec the seahorse spends it’s days dreaming of what could really be. Found all over the world, from one inch to over one foot in size, the lucky ones can be found in beautiful blue tropical water and delightfully colored patches of coral. Now facing extinction, seahorses could commonly be found with their tales wrapped around a piece of seaweed rocking back and forth, very slowly.

2. Garden Snail

One of the slowest animal in the world is the garden snail. It is a land snail species and the most commonly known terrestrial mollusc. The slimy, slithery animal leaves behind a wet trail along its path and makes us squirm. They move at the top speed of 1.3 cm per sec. This means that it will take them 21 hours to cover just 1 km. Can you blame him? The legless creature carries his house around!

3. Three-toed Sloth

Known for their five-hour work days and nineteen hour long naps, slots, two and three toed, only go to the bathroom once every seven or so days. Hanging out in tree canopies, rarely moving, sloths crawl along at a pace of up to 3 cm per sec. Though they might not bring the chips in a dip on time, sloths are excellent swimmers and great listeners.

4. Starfish

You may already know that starfish is not really a fish. There are about 2000 different species of starfishes, and their speeds vary. Their average speed may be about 0.89-2.7 cm per sec. The leather star moves at 0.25 cm per sec, while the fastest one of them, the sand star, travels at 4.7 cm per sec. For a creature that can cover 0.168 km in an hour, floating along in ocean current is the best option.

5. Giant Tortoise

Once reportedly teetering on the edge of extinction, the Giant Galapagos tortoise, found exclusively on the Galapagos Isles is the largest tortoise in the world. Traveling at a top speed of 76 cm per sec. With males checking in at over 500 pounds the Giant Galapagos tortoise can last up to one year without food. When it is able to dine on greens, flowers, and other vegetation, the Giant Galapagos tortoise packs it away just in case a rainy 365 days strike. The giant Galapagos not only moves at a slow pace because of its anatomical features, but it also keeps the go slow in a means to conserve its energy.

6. Loris

Loris is a medium sized primate, often counted among strange and hideous creatures, what with its tennis ball eyes and curiously human-like but strangely long hands. They have slow movement, at a speed of about 55.5 cm per sec. They can extract mild toxins to discourage some predators, and can lumber to avoid them. Hence, they are fearless. Oh, and they are also nocturnal, hidden in the dark.

7. Manatee

This obese looking herbivore glides through coastal waters at a yawn-provoking about 139-222 cm per sec approximately. Related to the elephant, the Manatee dines primarily on sea greens. Using it’s molars to grind meals and snacks that easily add up to over 100 pounds of sea vegetation a day. Resembling more of a potato with fins than an elephant, the Manatee spends most of it’s time casually gliding through 70-degree waters near the surface finding easy access to air, well deserving of a spot on this list.

8. American Woodcock

The American woodcock is the only bird on this, and is a must-inclusion among the slowest animals in the world. Colloquially referred to as the timberdoodle, it is a small chunky shorebird. It is a migratory bird which, due to its courtship flights, is accepted as a harbinger of spring in northern areas. The American woodcocks move at a speed of 222 cm per sec. and are the slowest of birds.

9. Koala Bear

The Koala bear is a bear that isn’t a bear at all. This furry, beady-eyed, marsupial grows in a pouch and makes it slows emergence into the world. Spending most of their day sleeping, up to 20 hours, curled up in the tree it will occasionally wake and eat from. With reports of koalas traveling at speeds 447 cm per sec, the koala has earned its place on our top 10 list and probably isn’t moving anytime soon.

10. Gila Monster

If you don’t like lizards, you probably won’t like Gila monsters, either. They can grow up to a length of 60 cm, and its weight varies from 350 to 700 gm. It is the only venomous lizard in the US. But, they are hardly of any threat to you, as they move at a speed of about 667 cm per sec. Besides, they consume food up to one-third their weight, and store fat in body. So they rarely search for food.


Before Yuri Gagarin made history by becoming the first man in space on April 12, 1961, a long succession of non-human astronauts had already been shot through the atmosphere in order to determine if life forms could survive spaceflight. Even after manned space missions became routine procedures, many different animals continued to be used for space experiments. Animal astronauts have been instrumental in helping humans succeed in space.

Let's take a look at top 10 Famous non-human Astronauts in the World:

1. Dogs

Laika, the most famous non-human space traveller was not only the first dog to fly into space but was also the first living being to have touched the orbit. She had flown on November 3, 1957 in Sputnik 2 rocket but unfortunately had died after a few hours due to overheating and stress. In was only in the 1960s that technology and human knowledge reached the level where animals could start returning safely to earth.

2. Monkeys

In 1961 the Ham was regarded as the first chimp to go to the moon,  it is not popular for traveling to space missions of any kind but have finally proved a point that Hams also can be a project material for you. In the same year the Ham was appointed to orbit the earth, and till date, this creature happens to be the first chimp to do that, unlike other animals which have been used to get around space on different occasions. Get you a little ham and you would know what it feels like to be in space.

3. Spiders

The first one to invade space was two European garden spiders named Anita & Arabella in the 1973 Skylab 3 space mission. What the researches wanted to find out was how spaceflights and weightlessness affected their power of constructing webs. It was observed that the duration of web construction was longer but surprisingly was of finer quality. Unfortunately both Anita & Arabella died owing to dehydration but their bodies are now at display in the Smithsonian.

4. Cats

Look at this lucky cat who was an astronaut, he is referred to as Felix, he is the first cat to be in space. 1963 October, Felix was launched into space in the Veronique AGI rocket. He went and came back in one piece. Who would have believed that this is possible? Well guys here you go, Felix made it to space and back with fear of any kind. Wake up to greater heights and refuse fear.

5. Turtles & Tortoises

The turtles were one of the first animals to have entered space. In 1968, the Soviets sent two turtles in the Zond 5 spacecraft with the intention of sending them to deep space. The Zond 5 made a loop around the moon before returning to earth safely along with the turtles who had only suffered a slight weight loss. Interestingly in 1974 the Soviet sent tortoises into space for 90 days setting a record for the highest duration spend by any animal in space.

6. Fish

In order to accumulate more data on otolith organ, a pair of Mummichog fish was sent in 1973 on the spacecraft called Skylab 3. Used because of their ability to survive extreme conditions, the small aquatic specimens accompanied Skylab 3 in 1973 to provide more information about the otolith organ (inner ear). Many other kinds of fish have also been in space including guppies, zebra danios, carp, swordtails, Japanese killifish, and oyster toadfish, to name but a few.

7. Frogs

NASA had sent two bullfrogs in space in 1970 under a programme called the Orbiting Frog Otolith (OFO). This was a research procedure to find out how otolith (which refers to a mechanism that controls equilibrium in the inner ear) would adapt to weightless ambience. The program was a success in terms of the right amount of data that researchers could manage to collect but the poor frogs were never recovered.

8. Bees

Challenger blasted-off in 1984 with more than 3,000 honeybees on board. Astronaut James Van Hoften was onboard that mission and was in charge of carrying out an experiment to determine how honeybees might make honeycomb cells in a micro-gravity environment. The experiment would also compare the shape, size, volume, and wall thickness of honeycombs constructed in orbit to those built by a ground control group. The lack of gravity didn’t affect the insects, who during NASA’s seven-day mission managed to build honeycombs exactly like they do on Earth!

9. Guinea Pig

On March 9, 1961 the first guinea pig successfully invaded the space on the Soviet Sputnik 9 spacecraft along with a bunch of other animals (dog, reptiles & mice). About thirty years later in 1990, China launched a trip for 60 plants and some animals including guinea pigs on the biosatellite FSW-1 3, which had successfully returned home.

10. Mice

On August 31, 1950, the Americans launched a V-2 rocket containing a mouse. Unfortunately, on return, the parachute system failed and the mouse was killed on impact. China and Russia have also sent many of these little creatures into space. The first rat in space came in February of 1961 when France sent a rat named 'Hector' into space. After flying to a height of 93 miles, 'Hector' was successfully recovered.


Humans are thought to be the only intelligent specie in the world but this is just a misconception on the part of humans. Animals are also intelligent in many ways and sometimes they have more brain power, a better in a lot of ways, than humans. Some of the animals are specialized to do things that human being can’t begin to ever think.

Let's take a look at top 10 intelligent animals in the World:

1. Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees are claimed to be the most intelligent species in the world after humans with desired human similarities. Chimpanzees look like humans and they also act like humans. Chimpanzees have the capacity to think like humans some of the chimpanzees have also learnt to play games and solve mathematical problems. A Chimpanzee’s mind can be trained to make his brain capacity equal to that of a 5 year old human child. And with these capacity of their brain and they are widely claimed as one of the smartest animals on Earth.

2. Orangutans

Just like chimpanzees, orangutans stand out as being especially gifted in the brains department. They have a strong culture and system of communication, and many have been observed to use tools in the wild. Orangutans live in widely scattered communities and form strong social bonds, which may be the key to their advanced cognitive skills. Females remain with their young for many years, teaching them all they need to survive in the forest.

3. Rhesus Monkeys

Rhesus monkey can copy human behavior and act. They are able to mimic human beings. Rhesus monkeys are believed to have advanced communication skills and they have capabilities to form complex social structure and act according to their post. They can break hard covering of things with heavy stone. They attack in groups and their attacks are also well planned.

4. Rats

The ability to think about thinking is called metacognition, and a few years ago scientists discovered that rats, like humans, can make decisions based on what they do or do not know. Studies also show that rats are surprisingly self-aware, they're ticklish, and they dream just as we do. Pet rats are extremely social and form strong bonds with their owners. They learn their names and come when they're called, and they beg for time out of their cage to play and interact with their owners.

5. Pigs

Yes you heard it right, pigs are among the smartest animals to live on Earth. Pigs are generally thought to be dumb but that’s not the reality. Pig’s mental capacity can be like that of a 3 year old human child. They are said to have emotions and feelings. Pigs have dreams in night and they cry while mourning. They have the ability to learn new skills every day. Pigs can also cope up with environmental stress.

6. Octopuses

Octopuses have the largest brains of any invertebrate. The common octopus has about 130 million neurons in its brain. A human has 100 billion. However, three-fifths of an octopus' neurons are not in the brain; they're in its arms. Each arm has a mind of its own, so to speak, and if cut off (which the octopus can regrow), will wander away and even grab at food as it did while still attached.

7. Squirrels

Squirrels are small and cute animals that live in both domestic and wild environment. Squirrels are not associated with capabilities related to humans. They don’t act like humans but when it comes to food gathering they turn out to be one of the smartest animals known. Squirrels can go to any limit for gathering food and they are also believed to have intelligent memory skills.

8. Dogs

When it comes to canine companions, "smart" means different things to different people. Some people feel an obedient dog is smart, while others believe a dog with a mind of her own is more intelligent. Very agreeable dogs are considered smart by most human standards. Humans judge the intelligence of dogs based primarily on how quickly they learn to obey our commands, how well they perform, and whether they are able to learn human-type stuff like identifying objects. Because dogs have lived among humans for so long and undergone so much domestication, some scientists believe they're more like humans than even chimps – and could serve as a model for understanding human social behavior.

9. Dolphins

Dolphins are well-documented as intelligent animals. As Discovery News reports, the dolphin’s large brain is structured for awareness and emotion. In fact, dolphin brains are more structurally complex than humans. As Emory University dolphin expert Lori Marino told Discovery News, "If human standards for intelligence are applied to non-human animals, however, dolphins come very close to our own brain aptitude levels."

10. Pigeons

Pigeons have always been used as the way of sending messages throughout history. They were like ancient post-masters. Pigeons have been delivering messages on places like battlefield and have always been the source of communication for lovers like Romeo and Juliet. Pigeons are said to be extremely good geo-locators and they are able to remember place throughout their lifetime. Not just that, Pigeons can also remember faces of people without forgetting them.


Flowers, with their bright colours and unique shapes, are a wonder of the nature. They make the world a beautiful place. Be it the much known rose or the lesser known orchids, flowers are always mesmerizing.

Let's take a look at top 10 Amazing Flowers in the World:

1. Swaddled Babies - (Anguloa Uniflora)

The Anguloa Uniflora is a beautiful orchid which is commonly known by the name, Swaddled Babies. The plant grows in the Columbian Andes. The most stunning feature of the plant is its flowers which are large, creamy-white and waxy. Their structure is quite complex, and at a certain stage of opening, they start to look like a baby wrapped in swaddling cloth. Each flower blooms from a single stem from the base of the pseudobulbs.

2. Hooker’s Lips - (Psychotria Elata)

While many might consider it an exaggerated description, the Psychotria Elata, also called the Hooker’s Lips or Kissing Lips plant, is absolutely genuine. It exists in the tropical rainforests of Central and Southern Africa. The waxy bract, which is a modified or specialized leaf, associated with the flower, is bright red in colour, and is shaped like the luscious lips of a woman, complete with a well-defined cupid’s bow. The actual star-shaped flowers emerge from the bract’s centre.

3. Monkey Orchid - (Dracula Simia)

The Dracula Simia or the Monkey Orchid is also known as the monkey-like Dracula. This is a rare species of orchids which is found to grow in the cloud forests of south-eastern parts of Ecuador and Peru. The orchid is called so because it has flowers which display an odd arrangement of column, petals and lip that strongly resembles the face of a monkey – a baboon, to be more specific. The flowers bear the fragrance of a ripe orange.

4. Naked Man Orchid - (Orchis Italica)

The Orchis italica is often referred to as the Italian orchid, owing to its Mediterranean region where it generally grows in large numbers. But, more commonly, it is known as the naked man orchid. This is because, the amazing flowers of the orchid have petals that look like naked men. The flowers are a combination of bright pink and white in colour, and they are all clustered densely. These strangely shaped flowers make the plant quite popular.

5. Dove Orchid/Holy Ghost Orchid - (Peristeria)

Peristeria is an orchid that is commonly found to grow across much of South America, along with Panama, Trinidad and Costa Rica. One look inside the pure white flower reveals a structure hidden inside it, which looks like dove. In fact, sitting cosy in the centre within the petals is an entire dove, complete with raised wings with tiny pink dots, and a tiny yellow beak. This structure is the reason behind its name. It is indeed one very peaceful looking flower.

6. Snapdragon and its Skull - (Antirrhinum)

The Antirrhinum, found in the rocky areas Europe, America and North Africa, has an interesting flower called the dragon flower or snapdragon. The beautiful flower petals give the impression of the face of a dragon, which, when squeezed, will open and close like the mouth. But, once the petals wither and fall off, only the seed pod is left behind, presenting quite a macabre look, because the seed pod looks like a skull. Ancient cultures believed snapdragons to have supernatural powers.

7. Duck Orchid - (Caleana Orchid)

Caleana is commonly referred to as the Duck Orchid. This is because, the labellum looks just like a flying duck with its wings raised high. The lip, in particular, looks clearly like the beak of a duck. The flower is reddish brown in colour, and in rare cases, it is greenish with dark spots, and a single leaf appears near the base of the stalk. This small terrestrial orchid is found in the Australia, from Queensland to South Australia, and even Tasmania.

8. Ballerina Orchid - (Terrestrial Spider Orchid)

These small plants are terrestrial spider orchids that grow singly or in groups in different parts across the island of Australia. The flowers are essentially cream in colour, with maroon markings, and their petals and sepals have dark trichromes. Together, the flower looks like a maiden in white tutus, holding a graceful ballet pose. The grazing of rabbits and kangaroos in the regions where they grow pose great threat to these orchids.

9. Parrot Flower - (Psittacina Balsam)

The Impatiens Psittacina is an amazing plant of the balsam family. The flowers are purple and carmine red in colour. When viewed from the sides, the flowers seemingly resemble a parrot in flight. British botanist and explorer, Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, first noted, in a scientific description of the plant in 1901, how its bloom looks like a ‘flying cockatoo’ and from then on, the name has stuck. This rare plant is found in Thailand, Burma and parts of India.

10. Bleeding Heart - (Lamprocapnos)

The flower, especially in the bud form, of the Lamprocapnos, a flowering plant of the poppy family, oddly resembles the conventional shape of the heart with e droplet beneath. That is why, it has been given the name, a bleeding heart. The outer petals are bright fuchsia in colour. As the flower blooms further and the outer petals open up, the inner, white parts, often called the ‘lady in a bath’ become more visible. This plant is found in Siberia, northern China, Korea and Japan.


At present, Democracy is being practiced in many countries around the world. The people get to choose who is to lead the government and who their representatives in parliament will be. But that has not always been the case in the past where subjects were subjected to dictatorial rule. Some nations are still under dictators at present and they suffer under these tyrants. Dictatorship can be defined as a form of governance whereby a country or a state is ruled by one person or a small group of people who exercise absolute power over their subjects.

Let's take a look at top 10 Evil dictators in the World history:

1. Adolf Hitler, Germany

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party. He was the absolute dictator of Germany from 1934 to 1945. He gained support by promoting values like German nationalism and anti-semitism. Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933 and began the Third Reich. Hitler was power hungry as all hell, hated the shit out of Jews (and others), and wanted hegemony in Europe. The militarization that was needed to complete such a lofty goal led to the outbreak of World War II. Nazi forces engaged in the systematic murder of as many as 17 million civilians, an estimated six million of whom were Jews, and 1.5 million Romanies.

2. Kim Jong-il, North Korea

Kim Jong-il was a modern day dictator. He arrested anyone who opposed his workers party. He would lock them in labor camps where he would overwork them and starve them to death. He demanded total loyalty from his citizens and even demand that they refer to him as the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Those who failed to do so were executed or thrown into the labor camps. He was so obsessed with military warfare that he would commit all government finances into the military. This paralyzed other departments such as healthcare and it was the citizens who suffered the most.

3. Saddam Hussein, Iraq

One of the most well-known leaders of the 21st century, Saddam Hussein instituted mass genocide against the Kurds, Shabaks, Assyrians, Madeans, and other ethnic groups that rebelled against his brutal regime. An estimated 2 million people died at his hand. He used mustard and nerve gas against the Kurdish town of Halabja, a population of 45,000, killing between 3,200 – 5,000 people. He used more chemical weapons against the Kurds during a genocidal campaign, killing between 50,000 and 100,000 Kurdish men, women, and children. No one was safe from imprisonment and torture. He often had the torture of his victims recorded and then replayed during dinner for his amusement.

4. Muammar Gaddafi, Libya

He ruled Libya for over 42 years until his death in 2011. During this time he used Libya’s oil wealth to enrich himself and his close family. He ruled high-handedly such very few dared oppose his rule. Peaceful protesters were often killed by his military officials. This continued until 2011 when the Arabian Revolution was in full swing. This motivated the Libyans to take to the street in armed protest until they were able to kill one of the meanest dictators of our time.

5. Idi Amin Dada, Uganda

Even though Idi Amin Dada ruled Uganda for only eight years from 1971 to 1979, he took full advantage of his time in command to put his wrath on display. Roughly half a million people lost their lives due to extrajudicial killings and genocide during this time. His rule was characterized by massive human rights violations, political assassinations and extrajudicial killings. Anyone who dared oppose his rule was executed mostly without due process. He was so greedy that he would even take the wives of other people and make them his own. Not only was he evil and malicious but he was also a cannibal. He would cut pieces of flesh from those he has killed and eat then raw.

6. Bashar Al Assad, Syria

Bashar al-Assad is the incumbent President of Syria despite calls both locally and abroad for him to step down. By holding onto power he is responsible for the civil crisis currently experienced in Syria. His regime is ruthless and merciless in its efforts to hold onto power. They have even resorted to killing children as young as 2 years old so as to scare anyone who opposes his government. For all these atrocities is therefore one of the Evil dictator in the World history.

7. Joseph Stalin, USSR

Jozef Stalin was the first Secretary of the Communist Party from 1922 – 1953. He became the leader of Soviet Union after Lenin died in 1924, and launched government programs that would make the country more progressive. His attempt to move to the new economy, however, led to the starvation of nearly 10 million people. With many intellectuals and activists not in favor of his leadership, Stalin also launched the “Great Purge”, killing every person who opposed him and his ideals.

8. Benito Mussolini, Italy

He was the ruler of Italy during the Second World War. He was an extreme socialist and exhibited totalitarian rule on Italians by making Italy a one party state. He ruled Italy with an iron fist but sadly enough the Italians still followed him. He collaborated with Nazi Germany during World War II and he was eventually killed in 1945.

9. Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe

President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is said to have risen to power via electoral deception and fearmongering. There was even one election where he did not receive any votes in a certain province so he orchestrated the killing of over 20,000 civilians by fabricating stories of rebellion and treason. During his time in office over 3.1 million Zimbabweans lost their homes, jobs, and livelihood due to his “land reform program” aka bulldozing any village that voices dissent.

10. Fidel Castro, Cuba

Fidel Castro is the former Head of State of Cuba who served as president from 1976 up to 2008 when he handed the reins of power to his brother Raul Castro. He treated Cuba like his personal farm yard by assigning himself all the constitutional powers of governance. By denying the Cubans the right to elect the leaders of their choice, Fidel Castro makes it into the list of the Top 10 Evil dictators in the World history. His administration was responsible for countless cases of human rights violation and the mass exodus of over one million Cubans during the Cuban Exile. His stance on communism impoverished Cuba and that was the major reason behind the Mass Exodus.


It goes without saying that our society is moving faster than it ever has in the past. As medical technology surges forward with unprecedented speed and accuracy, many of us are left in the ensuing dust storm of obsolete procedures that were commonplace mere decades ago. But if we look up and gaze into the near future, we can see the beginnings of a whole new world of medical treatments that the doctors of yesterday couldn’t even begin to imagine.

Let's take a look at the top 10 Future Technologies in the Medical Field:

1. Electronic Aspirin

A lot of people have been suffering from chronic forms of a headache and they have been advised to take two aspirins by most of the doctors, but this method has turned out to be useless and it only works in the short term. For that reason, a clinical investigation has been performed on a technology that is used for blocking the signals that identify the occurrence of a headache. The system involves implanting a small nerve permanently that’s function is to stimulate the device located in the upper gum on the side of the head that gets affected by a headache. The tip of the implant gets connected with the nerve bundles, so when the patient starts sensing the beginning of a headache, they place an RC on the cheek that is nearer to the implant; this will result in blocking the neurotransmitters that cause the pain in the first place.

2. Magnetic Levitation

Artificial lung tissue grown with magnetic levitation: it sounds like something out of science fiction, and it was, until now. In 2010, Glauco Souza and his team began looking into a way to create realistic human tissue using nanomagnets that allowed lab-grown tissue to levitate above a nutrient solution.The result was the most realistic synthetically grown organ tissue ever grown. Typically, lab-grown tissue is created in a petri dish, but elevating the tissue allows it to grow in a 3D shape that allows for more complex cell layers. That 3D growth pattern is a more perfect simulation of the way cells grow in the human body, which means that this is a huge step forward in creating artificial organs that can be transplanted into humans.

3. Digital Diagnostics

Since health care could be a burden for those who are not able to easily move and visit a doctor, digital diagnostics have been taking place to make things easier for elders and disabled people. There has been one device of this digital diagnostics that is already out there and it is the Neurotrack. This device can be used for testing and diagnose Alzheimer; it detects the damages that may occur on the hippocampus- the first part of the brain that is usually affected by this disease- and evaluate the movement of the eye.

4. Brain Damage Repair

The brain is a delicate organ, and even slight trauma can have lasting effects if it’s bumped in the wrong places. For people with traumatic brain injury, extensive rehabilitation is pretty much the only hope of leading a normal life again. Alternatively, they could just get a zap on the tongue.Your tongue is connected to the nervous system through thousands of nerve clusters, some of which lead directly into the brain. Based on that fact, the Portable NeuroModulation Stimulator, or PoNS, stimulates specific nerve regions on the tongue to hopefully focus the brain on repairing the nerves that were damaged. And so far, it works. Patients being treated with that type of neuromodulation showed vast improvement after only a week. Fair warning, you might get brain damage just trying to read that link.Apart from blunt trauma, the PoNS could feasibly be used to repair the brain from anything, including alcoholism, Parkinson’s, strokes, and multiple sclerosis.

5. Augmented Reality

The Augmented Reality is a new technology used to create an image generated by a computer, allowing it to be viewed in the person’s real world, providing a complex view. This method is still going through strong testing, but it is expected to enter the market very soon, for it seems very beneficial for the patients, for it allows the surgeons to see through bodily structures such as blood vessels in a specific organ without having to open it, resulting in a more precise elimination. A clinic located in Germany has already started to attempt the application of the augmented reality on iPads in the OR.

6. Brain Cells from Urine

In a sentence we won’t get to use often, researchers have turned pee into human brain cells. At the Guangzhou Institute of Biomedicine and Health in China, biologists have taken waste cells from urine and modified them with the use of retroviruses to create progenitor cells, which the body uses as the building blocks for brain cells. The most valuable benefit to this method is that the new neurons created haven’t caused tumors in any of the mice used for testing.See, embryonic stem cells have been used for this in the past, but one of their side effects was that they were more likely to develop tumors after transplant. But after only a few weeks, the pee-based cells had already begun to shape into neurons with absolutely no unwanted mutations.The obvious medical benefit of getting cells from urine is that, well, it’s freely available, and scientists could work on developing neurons that are sourced from the same person, increasing the chance that they’ll be accepted by the body.

7. Robot Assistants

Yes, Robots have already made a great appearance in sci-fi movies and they have told us several times that the world is expected to be controlled by technology someday soon, but this time, things are getting real. The world is developing rapidly and robots are highly expected to invade the world of medicine to work as assistants which can take care of elder patients as their numbers are increasing on a daily basis. In California, there has been a robot made by a company as a model, designing it to be able to find veins in the patient’s arm and take blood samples out of it. On the other hand, Japan has also created a cartoonish version of this robot shaped as a huge bear to be able to carry patients and move them from one place to another, especially those who are disabled and use wheelchairs. These robots are strong devices that are designed to carry up to almost 450 kilograms and they are specifically made to be used at homes for patients who need assistance.

8. Artificial Cell Mimicry

It’s obvious that the direction of medical technology is leaning more towards reproducing human tissue outside the body, allowing us to create “spare parts,” so to speak. If one organ isn’t working, we can just replace it with a new one, fresh off the assembly line. Now that idea is moving down to the cellular level with a gel that mimics the action of specific cells.The material is formed in bunches that are only 7.5 billionths of a meter wide—for comparison, that’s about four times wider than a DNA double helix. Cells have their own type of skeleton, known as a cytoskeleton, which is made of proteins. The synthetic gel will take the place of that cytoskeleton in a cell, and when it’s applied to, say, a wound, it replaces any cells that were lost or damaged. In a practical sense, it would work like a tiny, tiny sewer grate. Fluids can pass through the cell, which allow the wound to continue healing, but the artificial skeleton prevents bacteria from passing through with the fluid.

9. Growing Organs in Labs

Since the beginning of time, a lot of humans have gone through organ failures; as a result, they need new organs to be transplanted for them, but they are probably placed on a waiting list until the right match is found. New technologies are expected to solve this problem by restoring the function of the failed organs or by growing organs in labs. The latter can be done by using the stem cells of the patient to grow an organ that works perfectly for their bodies. The whole idea still sounds surreal for a lot of people, but it is expected to take place anytime soon and that would save more people in a shorter time.

10. Printed Bones

Remember the days when you would break your arm and then have to wear a cast for weeks while the bone naturally healed itself? It looks like those days are behind us. Using 3D printers, researchers at Washington State University have developed a hybrid material that has the same properties the same strength and flexibility as real bone.This “model” can then be placed in the body at the site of the fracture while the real bone grows up and around it like a scaffolding. Once the process is complete, the model disintegrates. The printer they’re using is a ProMetal 3D printer consumer technology available to anyone with enough cash. It was the material for the bone structure that was the real problem, but they’ve created a formula that uses a combination of zinc, silicon, and calcium phosphate that works well so well, in fact, that the entire process has already been successfully tested in rabbits. When the bone material was combined with stem cells, the natural bone grew back much faster than normal.The real benefit of this technology is that, feasibly, any tissue even full organs could be grown with 3D printers once we have the right combination of starting materials.
