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How many countries border Brazil and what are there names?

+2 votes
How many countries border Brazil and what are there names?
posted Oct 30, 2015 by Sandeep Otari

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Brazil is the largest country in South America and borders every country in South America with the exception of Chile and Ecuador. The borders of Brazil are the international borders that Brazil shares with neighbouring countries. Brazil has borders with ten different countries, totalling 16,885 kilometres (10,492 mi), putting it in 3rd place in the countries with the longest international land borders behind only China and Russia.

The following countries directly border Brazil (border lengths included):
Argentina 1,261 km
Bolivia 3,423 km
Colombia 1,644 km
French Guiana 730 km
Guyana 1,606 km
Paraguay 1,365 km
Peru 2,995 km
Suriname 593 km
Uruguay 1,068 km
Venezuela 2,200 km

answer Nov 4, 2015 by Shivaranjini