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Which is the first Tamil book got printed?

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Which is the first Tamil book got printed?
posted Jun 13, 2019 by Kowsalya Devi

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The first Tamil booklet was printed in 1554 (February 11) in Lisbon - Cartilha em lingoa Tamul e Portugues in Romanized Tamil script by Vincente de Nazareth, Jorge Carvalho and Thoma da Cruz, all from the Paravar community of Tuticorin. it is also the first non-European language to find space in the modern printing culture in the world.

If we take the Tamil Script then it was Thambiran Vanakkam (Roman Catholic catechism translated by Henrique Henriques and published on 20 October 1578 at Quilon). It is also the first printed work in an Indian language and script.

answer Jun 13, 2019 by Salil Agrawal