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Whats stand for A.I.R.

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Whats stand for A.I.R.
posted Sep 20, 2017 by Mayank

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There are lot of abbreviations related to AIR(In terms of Technology, Business, Organizations and Government), some of them are as follows:-

AIR All India Radio
AIR Aircraft Certification Service (FAA)
AIR Association for Institutional Research
AIR Secondary Air Injection (automotive)
AIR Artist in Residence (residency programs)
AIR Adobe Integrated Runtime
AIR American Institutes for Research
AIR Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century
AIR Airborne Infantry Regiment
AIR Artificial Intelligence Research
AIR America's Investigative Reports (US PBS)
AIR Assumed Interest Rate (finance)
AIR Association of Independents in Radio
AIR Automatic Image Refinement
AIR Accessibility Internet Rally (web design competition)
AIR Australian Institute of Radiography
AIR Accrued Interest Receivable
AIR Acute Insulin Response
AIR Average-Issue Readership
AIR All India Rank (academic testing)
AIR Art Is Resistance (Year Zero Arg Slogan)
AIR Allergy Internet Resources
AIR Assumed Investment Return
AIR Airborne Intercept Radar
AIR Alliance for International Reforestation (Guatemala)
AIR Aircraft Investor Resources
AIR Atmosphere Improves Results (UK smoking bans)
AIR Applied Insurance Research, Inc. (Boston, MA, USA)
AIR Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation (DOE project)
AIR Area of Intelligence Responsibility
AIR Additive Increase Rate
AIR Adversarial Information Retrieval
AIR Aerospace Information Reports (Society of Automotive Engineers)
AIR Action Item Request
AIR Air Improvement Resource, Inc. (Novi, MI)
AIR Action Item Report
answer Sep 20, 2017 by Sourav Kumar
thnxs Saurav bhai